How Does Fascia Affect Our Pain and Mobility?

By |July 11th, 2024|fascia, muscle tension, pain & pain relief|

How Does Fascia Affect Our Pain and Mobility? If you have musculoskeletal pain or mobility issues, you may have been told that your fascia is tight or that you have fascial adhesions. While this may be true, problems with fascia are most often the result of how we're moving and using our body. In [...]

Is Magnesium Deficiency Contributing to Your Muscle Tension, Pain, or Fatigue?

By |March 14th, 2024|diet and nutrition, fibromyalgia, headache, muscle cramps, muscle tension|

Is Magnesium Deficiency Contributing to Your Muscle Tension, Pain, or Fatigue? Sometimes, despite all your efforts to release tension and relieve pain with pandiculation, you may get to a point where you feel like something else is going on. There may be some other factor besides learned muscular patterns that's causing your tension and [...]

How to Release Neck & Shoulder Tension with Clinical Somatics Exercises

By |November 10th, 2023|muscle tension, neck pain, shoulder tension & pain|

How to Release Neck & Shoulder Tension with Clinical Somatics Exercises Tension in the neck and shoulders is one of the most common issues I hear about from students. Between the stress we experience in our daily lives and the repetitive activities that most of us do every day, it's difficult to avoid building [...]

Learning to Relax After Four Decades of Chronic Tension by Lena Pollack

By |March 17th, 2022|muscle tension, pain & pain relief, self-healing, stress & stress relief|

Learning to Relax After Four Decades of Chronic Tension by Lena Pollack Every time I get a tensed muscle to relax, it’s like a little miracle. It leaves me awestruck, much like being chosen by a shelter cat, or finding a beautiful field that’s completely empty. Maybe it isn’t anything objectively earth shattering but getting [...]

What Really Causes Muscle Cramps?

By |May 25th, 2021|athletic training, gamma loop, muscle cramps, muscle tension, pandiculation, specific conditions, stretching|

What really causes muscle cramps? Muscle cramps have long been attributed to electrolyte depletion and dehydration, especially when they occur in athletes. However, research does not support these theories, and instead points to altered neuromuscular control and muscle fatigue as the culprits. In this post, I'll summarize the research and explain why muscle cramps [...]

What is the Stretch Reflex (Myotatic Reflex)?

By |January 15th, 2021|Clinical Somatic Education, gamma loop, muscle tension, neuroscience, pandiculation, stretching|

You can listen to Sarah's podcast on this topic here: What is the stretch reflex (myotatic reflex)? From a young age, we’re taught that stretching is a necessary part of any workout routine. If we’re involved in sports or physical training, we stretch to warm up, cool down, and during breaks to help [...]

How Muscular Learning Leads to Pain and Degeneration

By |November 9th, 2020|Clinical Somatic Education, muscle memory, muscle tension, neuroscience, pain & pain relief, pandiculation|

How Muscular Learning Leads to Pain and Degeneration Chronic pain is invisible, and can be all too easily ignored by people who haven’t experienced it. But if you suffer from chronic pain, you understand the stress, helplessness, depression, and fatigue that accompany it. You might deal with financial hardship as a result of missed [...]

How to Get Your Inactive Muscles to Wake Up and Fire

By |May 27th, 2020|athletic training, muscle memory, muscle tension|

How to Get Your Inactive Muscles to Wake Up and Fire People often ask me how to strengthen or “activate” weak or inactive muscles. Well, there's a difference between weak and inactive, and it's important to understand this difference. Do you feel like you can't get a certain muscle group to “fire” no matter [...]

Chronic Tension in Facial Muscles Can Keep You Stuck in Stress and Emotions

By |April 2nd, 2020|facial muscles, muscle memory, muscle tension, stress & stress relief|

Chronic Tension in Facial Muscles Can Keep You Stuck in Stress and EmotionsIf you've ever watched the TV show Lie To Me, you know that people automatically express their emotions through their facial expressions, whether they want to or not. Our nervous system is hardwired to contract our mimetic muscles (facial muscles) in certain patterns [...]

Figuring out the Cause of Your Chronic Neck Pain

By |December 11th, 2019|forward head posture, muscle tension, neck pain, pain & pain relief, specific conditions, whiplash|

Figuring out the Cause of Your Chronic Neck Pain Why is neck pain such a pain in the neck to get rid of? First, the muscles in your neck adapt to any postural imbalances you have in the core of your body. If your lumbar or thoracic spine is out of alignment in any [...]

How to Even out the Imbalances in Your Body

By |October 30th, 2019|leg length discrepancy, muscle memory, muscle tension, pain & pain relief, posture, scoliosis, your personal practice|

How to Even out the Imbalances in Your Body Scroll down to watch this video on Youtube We all have imbalances in the patterns of muscle tension between our right and left sides; that's because of how we use the dominant side of our body differently than our non-dominant side. These imbalanced muscular patterns [...]

Unlocking Your Body: Your Personal Process of Releasing Tension and Pain

By |June 24th, 2019|aging, Clinical Somatics exercises, learn the basics, muscle memory, muscle tension, pain & pain relief, pandiculation, your personal practice|

Unlocking Your Body: Your Personal Process of Releasing Tension and Pain Many people ask me how long it will take them to release their chronic tightness or get out of pain. I wish I could answer this question, but the truth is that everyone's patterns of muscular tension and pain are so unique that [...]

What is the Gamma Loop?

By |April 29th, 2019|Clinical Somatic Education, gamma loop, muscle memory, muscle tension, neuroscience, pandiculation, stretching|

You can listen to Sarah's podcast on this topic here: What is the gamma loop? The gamma loop (also referred to as the alpha-gamma loop) is a feedback loop in our nervous system that regulates the level of tension in our muscles. The way the gamma loop works can get a little confusing, [...]

The Anatomy of Your Tension Headache

By |April 7th, 2019|anxiety, Clinical Somatic Education, headache, muscle tension, specific conditions, stress & stress relief, temporomandibular joint disorders|

The Anatomy of Your Tension Headache If you're reading this post, you may be one of the 45 million Americans who suffer from chronic headaches. Headaches are one of the most frustrating pain conditions because the causes are so varied and can seem completely mysterious. In fact, over 150 different types of headache have [...]

The Life-Changing Link Between Anxiety and Muscle Tension

By |April 3rd, 2019|anxiety, Clinical Somatic Education, muscle tension, specific conditions, stress & stress relief|

The Life-Changing Link Between Anxiety and Muscle Tension Anxiety is thought of as a psychological disorder, but it actually involves many systems of the body. Anxiety is a true “somatic” condition: It is typically brought on and made worse not by any external source like a virus, but by our internal psychological and physiological [...]

Chronic Muscle Soreness: The Cause and Cure

By |May 2nd, 2016|Clinical Somatic Education, muscle tension, pain & pain relief|

Chronic Muscle Soreness: The Cause and Cure Chronic muscle soreness is, quite literally, a pain to live with. Often, no amount of stretching, massage, heat, ice, or ibuprofen can provide much lasting relief. To understand the cause of chronic muscle soreness, we need to start by examining what's happening inside our muscles when they're actively [...]

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