About Sarah Warren

Sarah Warren is a Certified Clinical Somatic Educator, Registered Somatic Movement Educator, and owner of Somatic Movement Center. She has helped people with conditions such as chronic back pain, neck and shoulder pain, hip and knee pain, sciatica, and scoliosis become pain-free by practicing Thomas Hanna's method of Clinical Somatic Education. Warren is the author of the book The Pain Relief Secret, which explains the science behind why learned muscular patterns lead to chronic pain and degeneration, and how Clinical Somatics retrains the nervous system, alleviating many common pain conditions.

How to Reverse Multiple Sclerosis Naturally

By |November 14th, 2024|multiple sclerosis|

How to Reverse Multiple Sclerosis Naturally Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease that affects the nervous system. In MS, the immune system attacks myelin, a fatty coating around nerves that protects them and allows them to transmit messages. As white blood cells attack the myelin, inflammatory chemicals begin to destroy the myelin sheath around [...]

Q&A Video #9: How big should I make the movements?

By |November 11th, 2024|Q&A Videos|

Q&A Video #9: How big should I make the movements when I'm practicing Clinical Somatics exercises? Transcript of video: Hi guys! Today I'm answering the question: How big should I make the movements when I'm practicing Clinical Somatics exercises? This is such a great question. There's actually a lot of value in exploring a [...]

How Diet Affects Inflammation and Chronic Pain

By |September 20th, 2024|diet and nutrition|

How Diet Affects Inflammation and Chronic Pain We hear about inflammation a lot these days in terms of the role it plays in many chronic disease conditions, including cancer, type II diabetes, and heart disease. Inflammation can play a large role in chronic pain as well, especially when it comes to painful autoimmune conditions [...]

How to Reverse Ankylosing Spondylitis Naturally

By |August 15th, 2024|ankylosing spondylitis, back pain, SI joint pain and dysfunction, spinal degeneration|

How to Reverse Ankylosing Spondylitis Naturally In this article, I discuss: What is Ankylosing Spondylitis? What Causes Ankylosing Spondylitis? Typical Treatments for Ankylosing Spondylitis Is Ankylosing Spondylitis Autoimmune or Autoinflammatory? Norman Cousins' Recovery from AS Using Stress Reduction and Vitamin C Supplementation And how the following natural methods of healing can reverse Ankylosing Spondylitis: Movement [...]

How Does Fascia Affect Our Pain and Mobility?

By |July 11th, 2024|fascia, muscle tension, pain & pain relief|

How Does Fascia Affect Our Pain and Mobility? If you have musculoskeletal pain or mobility issues, you may have been told that your fascia is tight or that you have fascial adhesions. While this may be true, problems with fascia are most often the result of how we're moving and using our body. In [...]

12 Science-backed Ways to Recover From Fibromyalgia

By |June 14th, 2024|fibromyalgia|

12 Science-backed Ways to Recover From Fibromyalgia Medical Disclaimer: The information in this article is provided for general informational and educational purposes only, and is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Fibromyalgia is a painful, often debilitating condition with many symptoms. The causes of the condition can seem mysterious, so determining a successful [...]

If You Have Osteoarthritis, Here’s How to Give Your Cartilage the Best Chance to Heal

By |May 16th, 2024|aging, knee pain, osteoarthritis, pain & pain relief, specific conditions|

If You Have Osteoarthritis, Here's How to Give Your Cartilage the Best Chance to Heal Osteoarthritis is a painful, debilitating condition that affects millions of people around the world and puts a significant drain on our healthcare system. More than 32 million Americans live with osteoarthritis, and the rate of osteoarthritis worldwide has increased [...]

How to Relieve Shallow Breathing

By |April 12th, 2024|anxiety, breathing, stress & stress relief|

How to Relieve Shallow Breathing Chronic stress, posture, and muscle tension can all play a role in developing shallow breathing. When we habitually take shallow breaths, our oxygen supply is limited. This can contribute to serious medical conditions including anxiety disorders, panic attacks, hyperventilation, shock, asthma, pneumonia, pulmonary edema, and a buildup of carbon [...]

Is Magnesium Deficiency Contributing to Your Muscle Tension, Pain, or Fatigue?

By |March 14th, 2024|diet and nutrition, fibromyalgia, headache, muscle cramps, muscle tension|

Is Magnesium Deficiency Contributing to Your Muscle Tension, Pain, or Fatigue? Sometimes, despite all your efforts to release tension and relieve pain with pandiculation, you may get to a point where you feel like something else is going on. There may be some other factor besides learned muscular patterns that's causing your tension and [...]

A Pain Relief Method to End All Others by Joel B

By |February 15th, 2024|Uncategorized|

A Pain Relief Method to End All Others by Joel B. I lived with chronic pain, despite trying every treatment in the book, for over a decade. The efficacy of somatic movement is superior to anything else. There are no negative side effects. It just works. I cannot understand why this is not more widely [...]

Full-Body Patterns of Tension That Involve the Iliopsoas

By |January 12th, 2024|posture, psoas muscle|

Full-Body Patterns of Tension That Involve the Iliopsoas As I mentioned in my first article about the iliopsoas, it's important to understand that chronic tension in a single muscle is never the sole cause of a painful condition, habitual posture, or movement limitation. Every posture we adopt and movement we make involves many muscles [...]

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