Why Whiplash Turns into Chronic Pain

By |November 14th, 2019|neck pain, pain & pain relief, specific conditions, whiplash|

Why Whiplash Turns into Chronic Pain Whiplash is one of the most common acute injuries that results in chronic pain. Since many cases go unreported, we don't know exactly how often whiplash occurs. Some sources estimate that up to 3 million people suffer from whiplash in the U.S. every year. Studies show that at [...]

Tendinitis vs. Tendinosis: What’s the Difference? And 8 Steps to Recovery

By |October 18th, 2019|athletic training, specific conditions, tendinopathies|

Tendinitis vs. Tendinosis: What's the Difference? And 8 Steps to Recovery Injuries to tendons are not only painful, but they can be very frustrating for two reasons. One, they are slow to heal and two, a change in behavior is often required in order to allow the healing process to take place. Many tendinopathies (which [...]

Adhesive Capsulitis: What Causes Frozen Shoulder, and the Most Effective Treatment

By |September 26th, 2019|frozen shoulder, specific conditions|

Adhesive Capsulitis: What Causes Frozen Shoulder, and the Most Effective Treatment Adhesive capsulitis is more commonly known as frozen shoulder because the condition involves a gradual “freezing” of the glenohumeral joint (shoulder joint). Over a period of weeks or months, the joint becomes painful and immobile. Initial onset to full recovery can take several [...]

Why Stretching Doesn’t Relieve Iliotibial Band Syndrome

By |September 8th, 2019|athletic training, iliotibial band syndrome, specific conditions|

Why Stretching Doesn't Relieve Iliotibial Band Syndrome Iliotibial band syndrome is a painful inflammatory condition of the knee joint that often plagues runners, hikers, and cyclists. Stretching is typically recommended to lengthen the iliotibial band and relieve the condition, but as you'll learn in this post, static stretching has little to no lasting effect [...]

The Causes of SI Joint Pain and Dysfunction

By |July 28th, 2019|back pain, SI joint pain and dysfunction, specific conditions|

The Causes of SI Joint Pain and Dysfunction The sacroiliac joints are at the true center of our skeleton, so they bear the brunt of any imbalance or sudden force that occurs in our body. In this post we'll discuss the most common causes of sacroiliac joint pain and dysfunction: imbalanced posture and movement, [...]

What’s Causing Your Snapping Hip Syndrome?

By |July 14th, 2019|athletic training, leg length discrepancy, psoas muscle, snapping hip syndrome, specific conditions|

What's Causing Your Snapping Hip Syndrome? Up to 10% of us experience snapping hip syndrome at some point in our lives. The condition is most often caused by connective tissue snapping over bone as we flex and extend the hip joint. For some people, snapping hip is painless and simply annoying, but for others [...]

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: Anatomy, Causes, and Treatment with Clinical Somatics

By |June 5th, 2019|carpal tunnel syndrome, forward head posture, pain & pain relief, specific conditions, thoracic outlet syndrome|

Thoracic Outlet Syndrome: Anatomy, Causes, and Treatment with Clinical Somatics Thoracic outlet syndrome might sound a little scary, but most cases are functional—meaning they can be prevented and often eliminated completely. When tight muscles or poor posture compress the thoracic outlet, you may experience symptoms such as pain and numbness in your shoulder, arm, [...]

The Functional Cause of Sciatica

By |May 28th, 2019|Clinical Somatic Education, pain & pain relief, piriformis syndrome, sciatica, specific conditions|

The Functional Cause of Sciatica Sciatica often occurs along with back pain, which 80% of Americans will experience at some point in their lives. By the time your doctor diagnoses you with sciatica, the cause may appear to be structural—most commonly, a herniated disc pressing on the root of the sciatic nerve. However, as [...]

Fix Forward Head Posture with Pandiculation

By |May 5th, 2019|back pain, Clinical Somatic Education, forward head posture, headache, posture, specific conditions, temporomandibular joint disorders|

Fix Forward Head Posture with Pandiculation Forward head posture is becoming an epidemic due to constant use of smartphones and computers. When we look downward over and over, the muscles in the front of our neck, our chest, and our abdomen become chronically contracted—and they keep us stuck in forward head posture all the [...]

The Anatomy of Your Tension Headache

By |April 7th, 2019|anxiety, Clinical Somatic Education, headache, muscle tension, specific conditions, stress & stress relief, temporomandibular joint disorders|

The Anatomy of Your Tension Headache If you're reading this post, you may be one of the 45 million Americans who suffer from chronic headaches. Headaches are one of the most frustrating pain conditions because the causes are so varied and can seem completely mysterious. In fact, over 150 different types of headache have [...]

The Life-Changing Link Between Anxiety and Muscle Tension

By |April 3rd, 2019|anxiety, Clinical Somatic Education, muscle tension, specific conditions, stress & stress relief|

The Life-Changing Link Between Anxiety and Muscle Tension Anxiety is thought of as a psychological disorder, but it actually involves many systems of the body. Anxiety is a true “somatic” condition: It is typically brought on and made worse not by any external source like a virus, but by our internal psychological and physiological [...]

Did you know that Plantar Fasciitis starts in your lower back?

By |March 17th, 2019|Clinical Somatic Education, plantar fasciitis, specific conditions|

Did you know that Plantar Fasciitis starts in your lower back? Plantar fasciitis is a very painful condition—I've had it, and it's awful. It's considered to be a disorder of the connective tissue that supports the arch of the foot. However, the pain and inflammation that occurs in the plantar fascia is just a [...]

How to Relieve Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with Clinical Somatics

By |January 10th, 2019|carpal tunnel syndrome, Clinical Somatic Education, specific conditions|

How to Relieve Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with Clinical Somatics If you have carpal tunnel syndrome, you might feel shooting pain, burning, tingling, numbness, and weakness in your hand and wrist. You may have developed carpal tunnel syndrome from doing repetitive tasks with your arms and hands, like computer work, massage therapy, playing a [...]

How to Relieve Mechanical Back Pain with Clinical Somatics

By |August 14th, 2018|back pain, Clinical Somatic Education, pain & pain relief, specific conditions|

How to Relieve Mechanical Back Pain with Clinical Somatics What is mechanical back pain? If you're suffering from back pain, you're not alone--between 50% and 80% of Americans will suffer from back pain at some point in their lives.1 It's estimated that 97% of cases of back pain are mechanical in nature,2 meaning that [...]

Relieve Your TMJ Pain with Clinical Somatics

By |March 3rd, 2016|Clinical Somatic Education, specific conditions, temporomandibular joint disorders|

Relieve Your TMJ Pain with Clinical SomaticsWhat is TMJ pain?The temporomandibular joints connect the jawbone to the skull, and they are two of the most complicated joints in the human body. They can open and close the jaw like a hinge, and allow the jaw to slide from side to side and forward and backward.Temporomandibular [...]

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