Video: Learn the Most Effective Somatics Exercise for Back Pain

By |January 5th, 2016|back pain, Clinical Somatic Education, Clinical Somatics exercises, videos & graphics|

Learn the Most Effective Somatics Exercise for Back Pain Most back pain is caused by chronically tight muscles. As we age and build up learned muscular patterns, our back muscles get increasingly tight. Most of this muscular contraction is involuntary, so we can't easily release it. Chronically tight back muscles are sore [...]

How Clinical Somatic Education was developed

By |January 5th, 2016|Clinical Somatic Education, learn the basics|

What is Somatics? Part Two: How Clinical Somatic Education Was Developed F.M. Alexander Somatic education, as it came to be known, began with the work of Frederick Matthias Alexander at the end of the nineteenth century and beginning of the twentieth century. Alexander was an actor and reciter who struggled with vocal problems during performances. [...]

How is Clinical Somatic Education different from other methods?

By |January 4th, 2016|Clinical Somatic Education, learn the basics|

What is Somatics? Part Three: How is Clinical Somatic Education different from other methods? Clinical Somatic Education (CSE) uses both hands-on and self-care movement techniques to teach the nervous system how to release chronic muscular contraction and relearn natural, efficient posture and movement patterns. The movements are extremely slow and gentle, and are suitable for [...]

Is Clinical Somatic Education right for me?

By |January 3rd, 2016|Clinical Somatic Education, learn the basics|

What is Somatics? Part Four: Is Clinical Somatic Education right for me? Clinical Somatic Education (CSE) is a highly effective chronic pain treatment for people whose pain is being caused by their habitual muscular patterns. CSE also has enormous benefits for athletes, people who experience stress, and anyone who wants to improve their posture and [...]

What to expect in Clinical Somatic Education lessons and classes

By |January 2nd, 2016|Clinical Somatic Education, learn the basics|

What is Somatics? Part Five: What to expect in Clinical Somatic Education lessons and classes You can learn Clinical Somatic Education (CSE) exercises in several different ways. You'll get the most personal attention and in-depth understanding of the exercises if you are able to have private lessons with a certified educator. A less expensive option [...]

The Clinical Somatic Education learning process

By |January 1st, 2016|Clinical Somatic Education, learn the basics|

What is Somatics? Part Six: The Clinical Somatic Education learning process Please note: You may enjoy reading the updated, expanded version of this post: Unlocking Your Body: Your Personal Process of Releasing Tension and Pain. A series of Clinical Somatic Education (CSE) lessons or classes is a learning process, and that process is different for [...]

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